This book applies this fundamental insight to fiscal/budgetary analysis and public service delivery, giving the reader tools and around the globe examples of institutional arrangements that help citizens hold government accountable for ...
This is in part explained by the change in the food production and manufacturing, the retraction in economic climates, the increase in food price, and in some regions reduced food availability and access.Vulnerable groups include but are ...
Over honderd ziekten is toegankelijk voor een breed, in ziektekunde geïnteresseerd publiek, variërend van medewerkers en studenten van de Radboud Universiteit en het Radboudumc tot betrokkenen bij alle denkbare facetten van de ...
This handbook explains, in layman's terms, the cause, method of inheritance, history and current and future treatments of McArdle Disease (also known as Glycogen Storage Disease Type V). The handbook puts into plain English the published ...
Plethysmography, a semi quantitative method of measuring segmental blood flow and velocity in the carotid and peripheral vascular systems, is safe, easy to perform, and inexpensive.
This open access book brings together oral histories that record the experiences of individuals with intellectual disabilities in Shanghai as they participate in their careers.
This book has reviewed the research undertaken on a broad range of reproductive health issues and their mental health determinants/consequences over the last 15 years from both high- and low-income countries.